"Aurtoun Ki Tehreek E Azadi," translated into Urdu by Yasir Jawad and Sadia Jawad from June Hannam's original work, is a seminal exploration of the women's liberation movement. This insightful...
"Friends Not Masters: A Political Autobiography" by Mohammad Ayub Khan offers an in-depth look at the political career and personal reflections of Pakistan's second President, Ayub Khan. This autobiography spans...
"Who Is Who and What Is What" by Muhammad Soban Ch, published by Caravan, is a comprehensive guide catering to various competitive examinations in Pakistan, including CSS, PMS, PCS, PPSC,...
"Pakistan and World: Who is Who and What is What for CSS PMS FPSC Written Tests" by Aamer Shahzad is an indispensable guide published by HSM for candidates preparing for...
"Will," co-authored by Will Smith and Mark Manson, presents a candid and inspiring exploration of the life and philosophy of one of Hollywood's most iconic figures. In this intimate memoir,...